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Above All Earthly Powers

The Point of the Bible (Luke 24:13-49)

The Point of the Bible (Luke 24:13-49)

In this last study in our Scripture series, we'll pick up on events that take place after the death and resurrection of Christ. The events of Luke 24 take place after the resurrection, and in these accounts, of all the things the resurrected Jesus could do, He meets with the disciples and takes the effort to explain Scripture to them. Jesus took Scripture seriously. What does He say is the point of Scripture? 

The Blessing of the Bible (Psalm 1:1-6)

The Blessing of the Bible (Psalm 1:1-6)

Psalm 1 is the first Psalm in the entire book, and in many ways sets the stage for the rest of the book of Psalms. As we meditate upon God’s word tonight, we'll see how the verses of Psalm 1 apply not just to the other 149 Psalms, but to the entire Bible.

The Use of the Bible (Rev 3:7-13)

The Use of the Bible (Rev 3:7-13)

Rev 1-3 forms a series of letters to churches. Today, we'll look at Rev 3, which is part of seven letters to seven churches. Before we look at the text proper, we need to realise that Jesus has a view on your life, and how you use the Bible. If Jesus could comment on your use of the Bible, what would He say?

The Study of the Bible (Ezra 7:1-28; Neh 8:1-8)

The Study of the Bible (Ezra 7:1-28; Neh 8:1-8)

This is the first in a new series, which takes it's title from the hymn "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" by Martin Luther. In this series, we hope to see in a fresh way what the Bible says about itself.