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Holy Spirit: Clearly Experienced

Holy Spirit: Clearly Experienced

We are going to walk through Scripture to construct a spine to understand the person of the Holy Spirit and to apply it to truths. The big idea in this study is that the Holy Spirit is God, worthy of worship and praise, and He intends for us to experience Him clearly. We will anchor our study in John 14-16 because Jesus lays out what we need to know about the Spirit.

Inerrancy: Clearly Spoken (Part 1)

Inerrancy: Clearly Spoken (Part 1)

In this study, we’ll look at the doctrine of inerrancy which actually runs throughout the Bible. This doctrine basically answers the question of whether or not the Bible that we have is trustworthy, whether it is wrong or inaccurate on certain things, and how then should we read the Bible. In this first part, we’ll examine the biblical basis for inerrancy.

Inerrancy: Clearly Spoken (Part 2)

Inerrancy: Clearly Spoken (Part 2)

In the first part, we read about the biblical basis for inerrancy. Now, we’ll unpack more about what inerrancy means and its implications.

Gender: Clearly Imaging

Gender: Clearly Imaging

Gender. It's an incredibly important and hot topic these days, mostly because the issues are so weighty and so personal at the same time. Few issues go to the heart of our humanity and personhood like this one. Thus, we should be careful at all times, to speak of these matters with great care and love, ever conscious of the dignity of human persons. This is core for Christians in every context. Gender and sexuality are sacred issues for us and we must not be careless. Thus, for us, instead of tackling each of the specific issues individually, we're going to start first looking at the character of God, and the nature of humanity He designed. In order to develop shared ground to speak of, we should not start from our experiences, which are varied, and expectations, which could come from different sources. Our controlling mechanism must begin with who God is, and who we are as human beings, so let’s start from there. 

Church: Clearly Gathered

Church: Clearly Gathered

What is the church? Christians often describe the church as a gathering. Yet, there is a lot of confusion about what the church is. In our world today, there is no end to Christian gatherings – small groups like these or our parachurch ministries on campus or our cell group in our church made up of people that are of a similar demographic to us. Today, we hope to study the Bible and see how God intended for His church to be.