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The Nations in the Valley (Joel 3:1-21)

The Nations in the Valley (Joel 3:1-21)

Joel 3 reads like an earth-shaking, soul-rattling thunderstorm that gives way to great comfort in the coolness of the morning. The vision of God and His judgement shakes our soul more than any thunder has shaken our souls, but in the midst of this terrible judgement, we see a beautiful picture of salvation unlike any other – salvation that springs up a deep wealth of peace and restedness more satisfying than sleeping in on a rainy morning.

The Lord’s Day and Pentecost (Joel 2:28-32)

The Lord’s Day and Pentecost (Joel 2:28-32)

In this short series on the book of Joel, we have learnt what it means to lament: what it means to cry out to God in our times of sorrow and pain; what it means to turn from sin in genuine repentance.

Now, we want to consider Joel 2:28-32. Specifically, in these few verses: we want to examine this theme of the “Day of the Lord”. What is this great and awesome day of the Lord? What will happen, on this great and awesome day? From Joel 2: 28-32, we learn of some awesome and wondrous promises of God, a God who promises that He will pour out His spirit on His people, even in the midst of chaos and calamity. How do we understand these wondrous promises, and what do they mean for us? We will attempt to answer these questions, in this study.

Gospel Repentance (Joel 2:12-17)

Gospel Repentance (Joel 2:12-17)

How are God’s people to respond to calamity? Joel 2 helps us see that one way is to turn back to Him in repentance. But how do we do so? And why should we do so?

The Lord’s Day and the Army (Joel 2:1-11)

The Lord’s Day and the Army (Joel 2:1-11)

God uses different means to confront us in our lives. I think that it is true that God meets us where we are. In our passage today of Joel, God confronts his people with a word of warning through his prophet Joel. As we read through this passage, it’s a big-time warning, not just a gentle reminder. Joel warns about a day of the Lord, about a day of confrontation that is near.

The Current Repentance (Joel 1:1-20)

The Current Repentance (Joel 1:1-20)

Two kinds of Prophets form a major portion of the Old Testament – the four Major Prophets (so called because they are long books) and the 12 Minor Prophets (so called because they are short books). Joel is one of the Minor Prophets.

Written after the exile of the Israelites in Babylon, what does this short book hold for us today?

Reading Joel: The Minor Prophets & COVID-19 (Assorted)

Reading Joel: The Minor Prophets & COVID-19 (Assorted)

As we come to a new series in Joel, we must recognize that we study God’s Word in tumultuous times. It is therefore fitting for us to start on a new study on the book of Joel which deals with calamity and crisis, allowing us to understand why disaster may happen in the life of God’s people. And in our studies, we pray that we may be comforted and strengthened, as we consider how God’s people should respond in a time of crisis and calamity?