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Meeting Jesus

Meeting the Hurting: What If I’m In Pain? (John 11:1-44)

Meeting the Hurting: What If I’m In Pain? (John 11:1-44)

If you met someone who was really struggling in great pain and deep sense of personal loss, what would you do to comfort this person? Some of us might tell them that everything will be okay. Others might sit there and just feel their pain with them. But most of us honestly just don’t know what to do in these situations. In John 11, Jesus meets people like that. What did He do? 

Meeting the Ashamed: What If I’m A Bad Person? (John 4:1-30)

Meeting the Ashamed: What If I’m A Bad Person? (John 4:1-30)

How would you describe a "bad person"? Perhaps you would even identify yourself as one, and think that you are "too bad" for God to save you? Tonight we’ll explore what it means to be a bad person and what it means when Jesus meets with someone like this! 

Meeting the Seeker: What If I’m Looking For Truth? (John 3:1-21)

Meeting the Seeker: What If I’m Looking For Truth? (John 3:1-21)

Jesus meets the “seeker” Nicodemus. What it really means in this context is Jesus meeting someone who is looking for truth, meaning, enlightenment in this life. Many of us might actually find Nicodemus relatable! Despite all that we have, there could be a quiet (or loud) voice of discontent. What did Jesus have to tell him? 

Meeting Party People: What if I believe YOLO? (Jn 2:1-12)

Meeting Party People: What if I believe YOLO? (Jn 2:1-12)

Last week we read of Jesus meeting a skeptic. This week we continue and see Jesus' encounter with another group of people -- people at a party, who weren't at the party to seek Jesus, but He found them.  What can we learn from this encounter? 

Meeting The Skeptic: What If I Find It Hard To Believe? (John 1:43-51)

Meeting The Skeptic: What If I Find It Hard To Believe? (John 1:43-51)

This new series is titled "Meeting Jesus", but you might ask, why would anyone want to meet Jesus Christ? For starters, Jesus Christ is the most influential human being to have ever walked the planet. In this passage, Jesus meets with Nathanael. Nathanael is a 21st century man - a skeptic - and he has all of these doubts, questions, and uncertainties. Jesus’ interaction with Nathanael reveals very important things about what belief in Jesus means, and we'll focus on this interaction today.