Viewing entries in
Mothers of Christmas

The Sun-Clothed Woman (Rev 12:1-17)

The Sun-Clothed Woman (Rev 12:1-17)

How would you summarise the Christmas story in 10 words or less? What should go in to make it a Christmas story? This study completes the Advent series by taking a look at a passage in Revelation. This is the Christmas mother we have not really heard of! 

A Mother’s Christmas Hope (Luke 1:5-25)

A Mother’s Christmas Hope (Luke 1:5-25)

How do you respond to difficulty? Do you think of how to solve problems, do you like to share your problems with as many friends as possible? Do you feel hopeless in your problems? In today's passage, we'll read of how another Christmas mother found hope. 

The Christmas Mother (Luke 1:26-55)

The Christmas Mother (Luke 1:26-55)

We begin our new Advent series on the Mothers of Christmas. We begin with Mary, the birth mother of Jesus, whose life was suddenly turned upside down with this announcement from God.