We often celebrate Christmas by speaking of "peace" and "joy", and the reality of God with us. But sometime around May, when Christmas seems far away, how real is God? Is He with us? When we read of unrest more than peace, it does seem like a fight to believe that God is at work in our world and in our lives. The Psalms are full of such groanings, and Christians are both optimistic (because we know of a future hope) and realistic (because we understand the reality of sin). And we know that we can take all these things to God in prayer. 

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11 killed, dozens wounded in bomb attacks at 3 churches in Indonesia: Police

  1. Pray for the churches and communities that have been affected by the blasts, that they will experience God's comfort in this time of grief. Pray for the pastors and leaders of these churches to have wisdom to shepherd the congregation, and that their churches will be a great testimony of faith to the local congregation.
  2. Pray for local law enforcement officials as they seek to investigate and prevent future attacks. Pray for safety and also peace in the country.

Multiple blasts and gun battle in eastern Afghan city

  1. Pray for peace in Jalalabad as the city has been rocked by blasts, and the people's lives have been disrupted. Pray for the upcoming elections in October, that it will happen smoothly and not be threatened by these destabilizing forces.
  2. Pray for the aid agencies in this city, as well as other parts of the country. We thank God for their work in meeting the needs of the people, especially the vulnerable such as children. Pray at the unrest will not threaten their work and their resources.

On eve of Israel embassy move, US says 'hard at work' on peace

  1. Pray for wisdom for all involved in peace negotiations. Pray especially for US diplomats and President Trump to proceed with care and sensitivity in order to achieve peace in the region.
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US-North Korea summit in Singapore 'a historic, momentous event': PM Lee to Trump

  1. Thank God for recent developments towards peace in the Korean peninsula. Pray for the leaders involved in the upcoming US-North Korea summit that they'll be able to have a good discussion and put in place steps to achieve greater cooperation between the nations.
  2. Pray for the Christians in North Korea who are still subject to persecution from the government. Pray that they will continue to place their hope in God amidst the difficulties.
  3. Pray for the Singaporeans who will be involved in this summit -- law enforcement, government officials, ministry staff etc -- that as a nation, we will help ensure a smooth, peaceful conclusion to this summit.

Case of self-radicalised Singaporean a reminder such threats 'remain alive': MUIS

  1. Pray for greater understanding between races and different religion in Singapore. As Christians, we pray for greater love for the community because they too are made in the image of God. 

‘Burn, burn, kill, kill, die’: The terrifying face of youth depression

  1. Pray for our youths who struggle depression, that they will be able to find friends and family to support and help them find the help they need. Pray that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ can shine in their darkness and offer them hope for their struggles.
  2. Pray for the schoolteachers, counselors and doctors that can offer practical help to those who struggle with mental illness. Pray for wisdom to determine the right treatment approaches, and also patience and love as they help them.
  3. Pray that as a nation, we will be more accepting of those in our midst who struggle with mental health. Pray that as a community, we can develop more support structures, schemes and programmes to help our youths.