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For Bible Study Leaders

CCEF Podcasts: Counselling resources

CCEF has a lot of good resources for counselling Christians through different issues. Subscribe to their iTunes feed here. Some of their past episodes included a discussion on: 

  • Gender identity
  • Busyness
  • Responding to tragedy 
  • Can boredom be addressed Scripturally?
  • Body image distortions 
  • Understanding Bipolar Disorder 

Why Expositional Preaching Is Particularly Glorifying to God

Given at the 2006 Together for the Gospel conference: 

"A pastor is charged to not simply inform people of what God says, but to exult in it. A pastor’s task is to herald a message permeated by the greatness and glory of God through His word. The necessity and nature of preaching is influenced by what one believes about the glory of God. Know and enjoy God, so that you are a life transformed by displaying His infinite worth.

The Theology of Sleep! by John MacArthur

Given at the 2010 Together for the Gospel conference: 

"Pastors should preach faithfully and then rest contentedly well at night. Why? Because Jesus teaches us that it is God’s Word that does the work. Christians may be the means, but not the way, similar to sowing and reaping. The essential elements of resting content include: humility, obedience, diligence, and confidence."

The Underestimated God by Ligon Duncan

Given at the 2012 Together for the Gospel conference.

"God teaches His servant through disappointments in his Christian life. During these times, God exposes you to what you truly love and believe. Your disappointments reveal what you rest in, find satisfaction and security in, and where your ultimate treasure lies. However, you can be rest assured that His provision is loving. He will relentlessly and ruthlessly pursue you in his compassion and grace for your joy."