In 2 Thess 1:1-4, we read of how the apostles write that they “ought always to give thanks to God” fro the church “as is right”. The application from this verse is not too difficult — we too, ought to give thanks to God for the people in our churches and Bible study groups.

But how can we do so? How can we be as specific as Paul without just offering a broad “thank you God for the people in my church”? Here are twenty things you could look for in others and consider how to give thanks to God for them and to encourage others with these observations:

  1. When someone sustains a profession of faith in Christ.

  2. When someone continues faithfulness in love for the saints through ministry.

  3. When someone in challenging circumstances persists in following Jesus.

  4. When someone, despite opposition, maintains public witness for Christ.

  5. When you see another Christian laboring in love to serve the saints and the church.

  6. When you see the integrity and character of another follower of Christ in school or work.

  7. When you see someone patient and gracious in Christlikeness instead of being provoked to anger.

  8. When you hear someone’s zealous passion for Jesus and His name.

  9. When you see someone acting kindly in Jesus’ name.

  10. When you see people reading the Bible.

  11. When you hear an encouraging story of someone’s faith that strengthens your own.

  12. When you remember that someone has made a spiritual impact in your life at one point.

  13. When you see evidence of how someone has changed and left behind a bad habit or practice.

  14. When you remember how dark and deep someone else’s funk was — and how they’ve left it behind them.

  15. When you see someone sharing the gospel.

  16. When you see a consistent, regular, unrecognized act of faithful ministry often unappreciated.

  17. When you are the receiving end of grace or mercy.

  18. When someone forgives you or overlooks your fault. 

  19. When someone repents of sin.

  20. When someone teaches you something about God, His nature or from His Word.

These 20 are just a start and there are probably more things that will emerge once we take the first step to go to God in prayer and offering our thanksgiving. Why not start today, and see what other things you can be thankful for?