We will devote some time studying the Doctrine of Scripture and to some of us, this could seem like an esoteric topic at first glance. But this isn’t just for seminarians. This is also for you and I, “normal”, everyday Christians. Why? Here are eight reasons why we chose to do this topic at the Fellowship!

First, this doctrine deals with an essential part of who our God is -- a God who speaks. That God uses words to reveal Himself, express His desire, legislate His purposes, accomplish His aims and rule the cosmos is a distinctive of its own.

Second, this doctrine at the heart of why we gather weekly at the Fellowship all year long as a Bible study. It is why we believe the Bible is worth gathering for, why it's reading reading verse by verse, and why we consider and ponder the words and voice of a living, speaking God. This shapes our mission and vision, and our raison d'etre as a group. In other words, the series itself will explain why we exist.

Third, this doctrine represents the head-on collision between a Biblical worldview and a worldview shaped by the world we live in. It is a litmus test to show if we are more acculturated and discipled by the world we live in or by what Scripture says about itself and the universe it describes. It will force us to choose, to investigate, to question, to headache, to excavate and discover what we really believe about Christianity. It is a crisis point in discipleship, and a moment of spiritual conflict. In fact, it is at this point of doctrine that many of us found our firm footing and trust in what we can know, instead of being tossed about by winds waves of critical theory, emotionalism and doubt.

Fourth, in theology textbooks, this doctrine is "prolegomena", or the logical introduction to the subject -- it is Christian epistemology -- how we know what we know about everything else. We cannot really know more past this point, one could say, since it is from this fountainhead doctrine that all Christian doctrines flow.

Fifth, it is the comfort and assurance in personal tragedy and crisis that we can trust the words of our God -- the most practical theological truth I know. In moments of heartache and dizzying confusion, when emotions run high and the mind is cluttered and confused, it has been the doctrine of Scripture that cuts through with white-hot clarity and settled confidence for my shaking soul. Without knowing this confidently, the room never stops spinning.

Sixth, it is the opportunity to put an end to half-hearted lukewarm Christianity. This doctrine has the potential to help us still and certain our wandering hearts. If we reflect on the content in this series and engage with those who teach, ask our questions, iron out every doubt, we will exit as a believer willing to commit your life to rich, soul-satisfying Bible reading.

Seventh, this doctrine will help us engage with a hostile, anti-Christian culture, withstand its attacks and respond with wisdom. This may sound like overpromising, but this is the typical argument of the world: "you want me to believe your Jesus, but I must believe what the Book says about Him and I don't believe your book. Game over." The Doctrine of Scripture can help us with evangelism!

Eighth, the doctrine of Scripture is quintessential to the revitalisation of churches. In church history, there simply has never been an instance of lasting, true revival where God's people have not recovered a flaming love and unshakeable conviction about God's Word in Scripture. This simply has never been the case. Our hope as a Bible study is that at the end of this series, our confidence and love for Scripture will help us love God's bride better.